• rates displayed are based on group sizes of 4 persons. Supplement fees starting at US$20 per person may apply.
Participation on tour indicates an acceptance of Liability and Important Notes (condensed):
UpClose Belize is not responsible nor liable for acts of God or circumstances beyond our control. * The tour participant acknowledges and accepts the inherent risk of participation en-route to and/or from and during the Tour, including but not limited to the following: trips or falls; collisions or encounters with other persons or vehicles; being jostled; or otherwise shaken; subject to close contact with others; travel terrain which may be narrow, uneven and unpredictable and, in some instances, be required to walk or stand for significant periods. * Tour participants understand that any participation in the tour carry certain inherent risks and dangers which no amount of preplanning may eliminate. * UpClose Belize is not liable for any injury, death, accident, delay or loss as related directly or indirectly with tours or transfers. * UpClose Belize is not liable for any expense(s) incurred by loss or damage to the guest's personal property while participating in any tour. * The tour participant declares to be aware and informed regarding the nature and risks associated with tours and about the risks of traveling through Belize in general. UpClose Belize provides sufficient information about proper clothing and the policies in general. * The right is reserved to accept or decline any passenger should such person’s health or general deportment impede the operation of the services to the detriment of the other passengers. Refunds regarding these passengers will be handled on an individual basis. UpClose Belize reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any itinerary as may be deemed necessary for the carrying out of the tour package either before departure or en route, or withdraw any tour or package.