After departure from your pickup point in Belize City, we travel west along the George Price Highway to the Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Traveling along the highway we will begin scanning for Jabirus and our largest kingfisher, the Ringed Kingfisher. When we arrive at Monkey Bay we will begin in the pine savannah area, here we can observe Yellow-headed Parrots, Azure-crowned Hummingbirds, and Northern-beardless Tyrannulet. As we continue along the road the habitat transitions from Savannah to Broadleaf, here we will meet a few patches of spiny bamboo, the ideal habitat for the rare Blue Seedeater. The road continues until it reaches the Sibun River, where we have chances of seeing Green and Amazon Kingfishers, on the way back to the entrance we will listen for the Great Antshrike and Dusky Antbirds, Scarlet-rumped, and Crimson-collared Tanagers may be encountered by us. After birding Monkey Bay we will transfer to the Belize Zoo, we will tour the grounds and view some animals of Belize in a natural setting, we'll also be on the lookout for Yellow-backed Oriole, Grace's Warbler and Red-legged Honeycreepers which call the zoo. On the way back to Belize City we will stop at the Tropical Education Center in hopes of finding Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl and Green Jays.