Tour Leaves from Belize City
After pickup at your hotel, cruise ship, or airport, we travel north to the village of Sandhill where we begin birding along the Salt Creek Road. Here we will be transitioning through different habitats from the Pine Savannah to the dry Broadleaf Forest. Because of the mixture of different habitats, we may come along a myriad of different bird species. In the Pine Savannah, you can expect species such as Gray-crowned Yellowthroats, Acorn Woodpeckers, Lesser-Yellow Headed Vultures, and Black-throated Bobwhite. As we continue along and the habitat changes, Barred-Antshrikes, Squirrel Cuckoos, White-bellied Emeralds, and Spot-breasted Wrens are more birds to be expected, a small pond on the road may yield Little Blue Herons, Northern Jacanas and maybe even the uncommon Snail Kite. After that we will head to the Caribbean Shrimp Farm, here we will almost certainly come across the very elusive Clapper Rail, also at the farm we can expect to see Royal Tern, Common Black Hawk, Olive Sparrow, and Yucatan Vireo. After finishing up the farm we will head back to your drop-off location.