On this all-day excursion from the Cayo District, you will travel to the Mayan site of Lamanai and also get to try the famous Sugar City tacos! Lamanai, which means “Submerged Crocodile”, is located in the Orange Walk district in northern Belize. Lamanai is impressive and well-known for the exceptionally long length of time that it was occupied by the Mayan people: its occupation spanned from the Preclassic Maya period all the way into the Spanish and British Colonial periods in the early 20th century. In contrast, most of the other Mayan sites in Belize were abandoned by the 10th century AD. To get to the site, your experienced guide will accompany you on an organized boat trip that departs from Orange Walk Town and travels along the New River. Once you reach the site, be sure to take in the impressive history as you explore notable structures such as the Mask Temple, Jaguar Temple, and High Temple. After your tour of the site, make sure to try the Sugar City tacos (in Orange Walk), which are claimed to be the best tacos in the