There are many reasons to visit Belize, one of the best being abundant natural beauty. More than a few stunning beaches can be walked on her shores. Islands with coconut palms swaying in a soft sea breeze beckon. Visitors in search of more adventure can explore Mayan ruins, snorkel at fantastic reefs, and look for wildlife in rainforest and along vibrant tropical rivers. Speaking of the Belizean wild side of things, some of the easiest animals to watch are birds.
More than 590 species are on the Belize bird list and more than a few of these are colorful, exotic tropical species. Better yet, many are also common and easy to see! The following are fifteen beautiful stunning bird species to look for when visiting Belize:
1. Jabiru
Belize is a good place to see this big, impressive stork. Crooked Tree Lagoon and other large wetland sites can be good sites for it.
2. Azure-crowned Hummingbird
This glittering beauty is one of twenty-two species of hummingbirds that reside in Belize.
3. Gartered Trogon
In the same family as the famed quetzal, this is one of four species of trogons that occur in tropical forest habitats throughout the mainland.
4. Lesson’s Motmot
Around the same size as a jay or pigeon, this colorful bird never fails to impress. It gives a double-noted hooting call from the shade of the forest and unlike smaller birds, the motmot nests in a burrow typically excavated in an embankment.
5. Amazon Kingfisher
One of five kingfisher species in Belize, this jade-green bird frequents lowlands waterways. Watch for it perched on snags during a tour along a jungle river.
6. Rufous-tailed Jacamar
At first glance, this glittering bird looks like a big, slender hummingbird! Although it does have a long, needle-sharp bill, the jacamar doesn’t use it to drink nectar. Instead, it has a long beak to help it snatch wasps, butterflies, and other insects from the air.
7. Keel-billed Toucan
This impressive, colorful bird is fairly common and right at home in tropical forest habitats of Belize. Watch for it at Caracol, the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, and any other number of similar sites.
8. White-fronted Parrot
One of several common parrot species in Belize, this one prefers drier, more open forest habitats in the northern part of the country.
9. Barred Antshrike
The rolling, laughing song of this striking species is a regular part of the soundscape in most parts of Belize. Watch for it in low dense vegetation.
10. Great Kiskadee
Another bird with a loud song, this one says its name, “Kis-ka-dee!” over and over. One of the more adaptable flycatcher species, and a very common garden bird, the Great Kiskadee eats everything from insects to small lizards, fruit, and can even catch small fish!
11. Red-capped Manakin
This striking little resident of rainforest does a “moon-walking” dance to attract a mate! Watch for it in forested habitats throughout the country.
12. Yellow-throated Euphonia
Yet another common, beautiful bird, this tropical relative of the goldfinch likes to eat fruits of various Mistletoe species.
13. Montezuma Oropendola
A large, colorful, crow-like bird with a yellow tail is this bird. In the same family as the Baltimore Oriole, this impressive bird also weaves long, hanging nests.
14. Crimson-collared Tanager
The stunning black and red plumage of this tanager is a site to behold. Watch for it at the edge of humid forest in southern parts of Belize.
15. Red-legged Honeycreeper
One of the most beautiful little birds on the list is also commonly seen in many habitats. These lovely little birds feed on small fruits and insects, and also probe flowers for nectar.
Watch for these and dozens of other beautiful birds at nature lodges and other natural areas. Better yet, take a
birding tour to see them, and identify all the birds in Belize with the
Belize Birds Field Guide app.