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Explore the mesmerizing bioluminescence of Anderson Lagoon, where the water transforms into a natural light spectacle. Glide through the mangroves as your boat leaves trails of sparkles ... moreand witness the magical dance of fish streaking through the water, leaving behind a brilliant blue bioluminescent trail. This unforgettable Belize nature tour offers a chance to experience two unique aspects of Belize: the natural wonder of bioluminescence and the vibrant Garifuna culture.
Your journey begins with a scenic drive from Placencia, offering breathtaking views of the Cockscomb Mountain range. During a stop at Tugucina, a local Garifuna kitchen, you'll learn fascinating insights into Garifuna culture while enjoying a traditional dinner. Indulge in Garifuna delicacies like Hudut and explore unique flavors.
This thoughtfully arranged Belize tour combines a delightful dining experience with an enchanting nature tour, making it perfect for family-friendly adventures. Enjoy the optimal experience during the new moon and warmer months like April and May for the best bioluminescent views. This bioluminescent tour in Belize is a perfect blend of adventure, cultural immersion, and natural beauty, offering a truly unique experience in Belize.
Departs From: San Ignacio Town
Belize is a birdwatcher’s paradise! As many as 587 birds have been recorded in Belize and, of these, approximately 20 percent are migrants from North ... moreAmerica. Every year new species are documented. Eight new records were accepted in 2007, including the Crested Caracara, Canada Goose, and Spot-breasted Oriole. For those interested in exploring the diversity and beauty of the avifauna of the diverse habitats MayaWalk expert birdwatching guides will point out tiny iridescent hummingbirds, impressive raptors, and various migratory and endemic songbirds. One of the best places to go on a Belize birding tour is St. Herman’s Blue Hole National Park, a beautiful protected area along the scenic Hummingbird Highway.
This small park covers 575 acres and has two natural features open for touring, St. Herman’s Cave: a beautiful crystalline cave in the limestone hills, and the Blue Hole: a clear sinkhole filled with turquoise waters, perfect for a swim. A series of lovely hiking trails over various landscapes take visitors into the jungle where the foliage, tropical flowers, and rainforest canopy are the feeding and nesting grounds for hundreds of species of birds. For those interested in finding out more about the amazingly diverse avifauna of Belize we recommend purchasing Birds of Belize (University of Texas Press) by H. Lee Jones, illustrated by Dana Gardner-- a must-have for serious birders. Published in 2003, this is the first complete guide to the identification of all the birds of Belize and it is beautifully illustrated and complete with habitat information. Our birding guides will be equipped with binoculars and a spotting scope to make the most of your birding experience. Enjoy the serene trails of the park and end the day with a lovely swim in the Blue Hole.
Join us for an early morning hike on the grounds of our rainforest resort and through the Mayflower Bocawina National Park to see and hear dozens of different species of birds. Belize’s ... moretropical location and wide range of pristine habitats attract a remarkable number of both native and migrant birds. Over 237 different bird species have been identified in the local area. Our local guides are extremely experienced birders
This tour begins just before daybreak with a drive through Sittee River where the lush vegetation attracts many species of birds in Belize. Be sure to keep your eyes open and your ... morebinoculars handy as you are bound to encounter spectacular plumage, stirring calls, and the steady drumming of a hummingbird’s wings.
Some of the tropical birds often spotted in the area are keel-billed toucans, fork-tailed flycatchers, tropical kingbirds, Amazon kingfishers, blue crowed mot-mot, and harpy eagles.
Departs From: Orange Walk Town
Bird Watching Belize Tour Early morning river expedition or walking tour Whether you are a beginner and want to see a great variety of tropical birds, or an experienced birder with ... morea checklist of target sightings, throughout our property and the New River you will find birding packages to suit your preference.
During your Belize vacation and across various habitats you can see many of the 500+ birds that have been recorded here.
View some Belize of the most beautiful birds in the tropical wetland; Birding-by-Boat Cruise At The Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary is the perfect location for Birds in Belize. This ... moreincredible wetland ecosystem is the largest of its kind in northern Belize and is 30 miles north of Belize City. Mother Nature has designed this huge lagoon just for birds. It’s home to most of Belize's 574 species of birds found in the country, including One the largest flying Bird in the Americas Jabiru Stork, different species of Birds Like egrets and herons, and even the magnificent Northern Jacana just to name a few. But birds aren’t the only animals you can see on this cruise. On this cruise will have a high possibility To see Morlet crocodiles, green as well as spiny tail iguanas, and even howler monkeys.
Departs From: San Ignacio Town
Enjoy a close encounter with Guatemala’s vibrant wildlife on this full-day bird-watching tour in the Maya Biosphere Reserve. With the help of an expert private guide, visit bird-watching ... morehotspots like Ixpanpajul Nature Park, Tikal, or Yaxha, and have a chance to spot more than 400 different bird species, including the famous.
Your professional guide will take you across the border into Tikal National Park in Guatemala and lead you on a fascinating tour of the sprawling archaeological complex. Round-trip transport from your Belize hotel and all park fees are not included.
Full-day bird-watching tour from Belize
Enjoy bird watching, at Tikal Park or Yaxha Park Spot and identify rare and native birds with an expert guide from the Perfect tour for nature lovers!
This private tour can be customized to your interests and ensures you’ll receive personalized attention from your guide
What You Can Expect
This tour offers round-trip transportation from your hotel or airport to the park.
The admissions are also included and you will be accompanied by a bird-specialized guide.
Lunch includes great grilled beef with rice, salad, tortillas, soup, and dessert.
Drinks are not included with lunch only 1 bottle of water per person during the tour.
Do not miss this great adventure and explore with us the wonders of the Mystery Green World.
Some destinations for sightings are Tikal, Ixpanpajul, Yaxha, and Lake Petén Itza.
Departs From: San Ignacio Town
An opportunity to view some of Belize's most beautiful birds. There are close to 600 species of birds, including approximately 20 to 25% migrants. Cayo District is an excellent place ... morefor bird watching with locations such as El Pillar, Mountain Ridge, Spanish Lookout, etc. In addition for avid bird watchers, packages can be customized to include other excellent locations in other parts of the country such as the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, Lamanai, Blue Hole National Park, Baboon Sanctuary, Jaguar Reserve, Guanacaste National Park, and Gra Gra Lagoon and other locations. Bird-watching tours can also be combined with other tours for eg Mayan sites and nature walks.
Departs From: San Ignacio Town
Barton Creek Cave with Mountain Pine Ridge, Big Rock Waterfall, tour start at 8:00 am. Drive from San Ignacio for approximately 45 minutes on a dirt road to the parking area. With ... morea guided tour, canoeing, and cave looking at great natural formations and ancient remains. After the tour, there is a lunch break and a drive for 1 hour to Big Rock Water Falls for swimming and relaxing. Then, we are back at the hotel around 5:00 pm.
Bird watching can be enjoyed all year round outside the heat of the day. Belize has well over 500 residential and migratory bird species with 80% being residential. Whether you are ... morean experienced ornithologist or a birding beginner, Belize is a birdwatcher’s paradise.
The thick vegetation of the reserve is home to over 300 species of birds that have been recorded. By many accounts, Cockscomb Basin offers some of the best birding in Belize. Certainly, the most productive times for birding are early morning and late afternoon.
Departs From: San Ignacio Town
Off the beaten path and deep with the Heart of the Mystical Mayan mountains, lay a hidden world. Board the Jungle pontoon - Jungle Gypsy - and let her be your guide as you are given ... morethe rare opportunity to become part of Mother natures environment, without hurting her or the wildlife that call this beautiful lush forest their home.
Hidden behind the vast green array of trees and birds, beyond the beckoning of the howler monkeys' laugh, visit a world unseen...
This journey on the river will be exciting and unforgettable. Enjoy the river cruise, as the pontoon navigates the calm waters, cutting a course through the mountains that were carved by the river itself.
Your guide will lead you to explore three beautiful destinations, each one different and unique.
This tour offers- optional swimming, cliff jumps, rope swing, and a waterfall that you can climb! Yes, climb the famous Sandpaper waterfall!
This early morning, half day tour takes you from ridge to reef within a short distance and time, soaking up the best that Toledo has to offer, and is perfect for the active adventurer ... moreand avid birder!
Starting at 6 am, this tour will take you hiking up Cerro Hill, just five minutes from Punta Gorda Town. As you journey up the trail, your guide will point out the local flora and fauna that you pass, and of course, the many diverse birds found in this area. Upon reaching the summit, enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of Punta Gorda Town below and the Caribbean Sea stretching into the distance.
After your hike, stop for breakfast in a local café in PG, before enjoying a leisurely kayak on Joe Taylor Creek, a slow-flowing creek surrounded by mangroves and wildlife. Your guide will share their knowledge of the ecosystem and local conservation efforts, as you paddle upstream into dense mangroves, or downstream into the ocean.
Tour Leaves from Belize City After pickup at your hotel, cruise ship, or airport, we travel north to the village of Sandhill where we begin birding along the Salt Creek Road. Here ... morewe will be transitioning through different habitats from the Pine Savannah to the dry Broadleaf Forest. Because of the mixture of different habitats, we may come along a myriad of different bird species. In the Pine Savannah, you can expect species such as Gray-crowned Yellowthroats, Acorn Woodpeckers, Lesser-Yellow Headed Vultures, and Black-throated Bobwhite. As we continue along and the habitat changes, Barred-Antshrikes, Squirrel Cuckoos, White-bellied Emeralds, and Spot-breasted Wrens are more birds to be expected, a small pond on the road may yield Little Blue Herons, Northern Jacanas and maybe even the uncommon Snail Kite. After that we will head to the Caribbean Shrimp Farm, here we will almost certainly come across the very elusive Clapper Rail, also at the farm we can expect to see Royal Tern, Common Black Hawk, Olive Sparrow, and Yucatan Vireo. After finishing up the farm we will head back to your drop-off location.
After departure from your pickup point in Belize City, we travel west along the George Price Highway to the Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Traveling along the highway we will begin ... morescanning for Jabirus and our largest kingfisher, the Ringed Kingfisher. When we arrive at Monkey Bay we will begin in the pine savannah area, here we can observe Yellow-headed Parrots, Azure-crowned Hummingbirds, and Northern-beardless Tyrannulet. As we continue along the road the habitat transitions from Savannah to Broadleaf, here we will meet a few patches of spiny bamboo, the ideal habitat for the rare Blue Seedeater. The road continues until it reaches the Sibun River, where we have chances of seeing Green and Amazon Kingfishers, on the way back to the entrance we will listen for the Great Antshrike and Dusky Antbirds, Scarlet-rumped, and Crimson-collared Tanagers may be encountered by us. After birding Monkey Bay we will transfer to the Belize Zoo, we will tour the grounds and view some animals of Belize in a natural setting, we'll also be on the lookout for Yellow-backed Oriole, Grace's Warbler and Red-legged Honeycreepers which call the zoo. On the way back to Belize City we will stop at the Tropical Education Center in hopes of finding Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl and Green Jays.
This tour is offered to capture both the wonderful world of the Maya and some of the amazing birds of Belize. The tour begins with pickup at your hotel, cruise ship, or airport. We ... morehead to the old northern highway en route to the ancient Mayan City of Altun Ha, once a major trading city in the Mayan World and home to the famous jade head of Kinich Ahau. Passing through the savannas of northern Belize we may encounter the magnificent Jabiru, Black-throated Bobwhites, and Vermilion Flycatchers. Leaving the savanna we pass through the old logging settlements of Luckystrike and Rockstone Pond and unto Altun Ha. At the site itself, our expert guide will provide you with a well-informed tour of the ancient city by pointing out birds that may be passing over; such as King Vultures, White-crowned Parrots, and Montezuma Oropendolas. Following the tour of the main site, we will take the trail to an ancient pond that was built by the people of Altun Ha to provide water during the dry season. Along the way, the broadleaf forest will provide us with species such as Golden-Olive Woodpeckers, Royal Flycatchers, Black-headed Trogons, and our national bird the Keel-billed Toucan. At the pond, we'll come across Green and Ringed Kingfishers, Anhingas, Green Herons, and even the surprise treat of a Morelet's Crocodile. After finishing up the tour we will head back to your drop-off location.
The tour begins with pick-up from your hotel or terminal. We then drive along the Philip Goldson Highway to the wildlife sanctuary. At the sanctuary, we will then board a boat and ... moretraverse one of the creeks that branch off from the main lagoon, Black-collared Hawks, Snail Kites, Great-black Hawks, Green Herons, Boat-billed Herons, American Pygmy, and Green Kingfishers are all possibilities. After the boat ride, we will then travel the pine-oak savannahs in search of Acorn Woodpecker, Yucatan Jay, Yucatan Woodpecker, Olive Sparrow, Vermilion Flycatcher, Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture, and more. Our last stop in the village is the western lagoon where we search for the elusive Pinnated Bittern.
Traverse the junge canopy via zip line. Ride 6 different lines each being more impressive than the last. Altun Ha translates to “Rockstone pond”. The site dates back to ... more200 B.C. and covers an area of 44 acres. This city was a very wealthy ceremonial center and this is evidenced by the excavation of the green tomb and the internationally famous jade head.
“No’hoch Che’en” national park has one of the most relaxing cave experiences in Belize. Here you will be fitted with a helmet, a headlight, a life jacket, and an appropriate flotation tube. We take a 45-minute relaxing ride down the lazy river and under the jungle canopy. We make sure nobody stays in the underworld! It is a 30 – 45 minute hike to the entrance of the caves. Once we reach the entrance you will board your floating tubes and be navigated through the underworld by one of our experienced guides.
In the caves, you will see eagles, turtles, mammoths, sharks, jellyfish, Indiana Jones, and even Darth Vader. Once we exit the caves you will continue down the lazy river for another 15 minutes right back to the starting point of the tour. It will be one of the most peaceful and relaxing days of your life.
Departure time is 8:00 - 8:30 am From Belize City
Things to wear: comfortable walking shoes, water shoes, comfortable athletic clothes, bathing suits, sunblock, and bug spray.
Departs From: San Ignacio Town
Belize is a birdwatcher’s paradise! Did you know that Belize is home to over 600 species of birds? Join our expert birders on an unforgettable bird-watching experience! They will lead ... moreyou to places where toucans, scarlet macaws, and other rare, beautiful birds nest-all in beautiful jungle settings! This tour is approximately 4 hours or more. This bird watching tour takes place right in this beautiful 300-acre adventure park in Cayo just 10 minutes from the famous Xunantunich Mayan ruin. This tour includes entrance fee and a professional licensed tour guide. *Purple Mayan Tours offers hotel pickup/drop-off for an additional charge. if you’d like to arrange transportation, please contact our team for transportation arrangements. What to bring: -packed breakfast and/or lunch -bottled water and/or snacks
What to wear: -comfortable clothing and hiking/running shoes
Departs From: San Ignacio Town
Description: Take a beautiful jungle hike with our expert guide and learn about the diverse population of exotic flora and fauna. The guide will also take you to a beautiful spot where ... morethe rare scarlet macaw's nest. This tour is for the bird lover who wants to catch the beautiful bird in its stunning natural habit.